Ava is one month old! She is such a pretty little baby! I think she's going to be chunky just like her sister was! Here's her stats from her doctor's appointment:
Weight:10 lbs 11 oz (84%)
Length: 22.75 inches (89%)
Head Circumference: 39 cm (86%)
Ava is a mostly easy baby but definitely knows how to use her lungs! She screams a lot in her car seat while we're driving but settles down pretty easily once she gets what she wants (normally milk).
Ava is very different than Addison there, because I can only remember Addison screaming the way that Ava does once, and it made my so upset that I cried hysterically also. I guess it's different with the second child because you know that they are okay even if they are screaming. She is sleeping in 3 to 4 hours increments, both during the day and at night, which is wonderful!
Addison loves her baby and has been very good with her! We've definitely had a big adjustment period. Addison went through a few weeks of being very whiny and defiant. Where she used to go to bed from naps or night time in about 10 minutes, it started to take around an hour to put her down. It was a hard adjustment for all of us and very trying for me while I was at home with both girls all day. Thankfully Addison has gotten back to sweet little self and is back to being a pretty easy toddler! :)I love my girls so much and am so thankful for the two growing, thriving, healthy, and sweet children that God has given us!