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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Birth and Beginnings week 4

So this week was infant/baby care. We got to learn all about swaddling and bathing, diapering and feeding (breast and formula), baby proofing and safety, de-boogering and burping. Lots of fun and information. The way we introduced each new topic was by passing out cards with a scenario on it (i.e. "feeding baby" or "taking baby's temperature") and having the daddies choose from a variety of baby products laid out on a table that fit with their given topics. Jordan had "bathing your baby" and "childproofing for baby". He did very well with the child-proofing, very thorough. He also did well the bathing; he got the washcloth, towel, new outfit and diaper, baby soap, and a tiny little washbasin (as opposed to the huge baby bathtub thing, sitting right in front of us...). I'm talking LITTLE, like a 12 x 12 plastic bin. I took one look at that and died laughing. I asked if he was planning on washing the baby in that considering that she's probably been too big for that since, what, week 30? So as we sat through class waiting on Jordan's turn to share what supplies he got for his scenario, I have to look at this teeny tiny bin and picture someone trying to wash a baby in it. I was giggling the whole time!!

I have to say, though, that I am very glad that the daddies had to display their baby care knowledge (or in more cases than not, their lack of baby care knowledge) in front of the whole class instead of us mommies. I for one do not know much more about babies than Jordan does, and it would be very embarrassing for me (the mommy) to have to admit that I have no clue what to do when. It seems to be much more acceptable for the daddies to be clueless, than the mommies (although we are BOTH first time parents here! Just because I'm carrying the baby doesn't mean that I am also carrying all of this knowledge about babies!!) I can see myself up there displaying some off-the-wall item that seemed to be pertinent to whatever situation I was supposed to be describing and everyone laughing because I have a breast pump that I'm trying to use as a nasal aspirator. Yes, that is a bit extreme (I do know the difference between the two!) but that's how I feel at times. I know this class is supposed to me making me feel better and more prepared for baby, but, as I whispered to Jordan in class last week, I am only feeling more and more inadequate as a mother. Instead of thinking that I am learning all of these ways to care for baby, I feel like someone is just pointing a huge finger at me, telling me that I don't already know all of it. And this class isn't like some all-inclusive, learn-everything-you-need-to-know-about-infant-care class. We only touched on the basics. So what do I do when I get home?!? Okay, so can you tell I'm a bit nervous?? I know that everything will be alright and that God has already placed very able hands around to help me, but right now I wish that I had done a lot more babysitting when I was a teenager, so that I would feel more comfortable.

Dear God, PLEASE provide me with the knowledge and patience I need to care for and raise my baby! Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh, I remember having those same feelings that I had no clue what to do with a baby, or how to be a good parent, much less a great one. Oh wait, I still feel that way! But, you can't worry too much about it. It will be totally new, but there is a little thing called a "mother's instinct", which I PROMISE will magically kick in on its own. I think maybe some people get more of it than others, but you will get what you need. You may need a few trys to figure out how to do the whole bath thing, or make sure the diaper is on good so they don't pee everywhere, and some of the little technical stuff, but you will just know how to provide what they baby really needs: Love. If you just love the stuffings out of that little girl, (and I know you will), everything else will fall into place. And you know if you need anything at all, you can call me, (even at 3:00am although I might not be very coherent at the moment). So don't worry, just enjoy what sleep you can get now, and any peace and quiet that may be left in your house. You are about to start the BEST journey of your life, and it is definately worth it all. Love ya!
