How Far Along: 6 weeks
Size of baby: baby is a quarter of an inch long, about the size of a lentil bean ( Baby is no bigger than the length of a nail head (about a quarter of an inch) from crown to rump (!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: +1. I had lost a pound last week and gained it back plus one this week.
Maternity Clothes: None yet. Although sometimes I feel like I need them. Stupid bloating! :)
Gender: Jordan and I are both leaning toward a boy (for what we think it's going to be. We would both be happy with another little girl or a baby boy! I really don't have a preference.)
Movement: Can't wait!!
What I miss: Being able to go for more than a few hours without eating. I get nauseous on an empty stomach.
Sleep: Feeling the fatigue! I'm going to bed around 10 but might move it back to 9!
Symptoms: I'm getting nauseous a little every day, normally just when I get hungry but sometimes its pretty bad. Last night I has to get up in the middle of dinner and lay on the couch. I just got really nauseous all of a sudden and really thought it would be my first vomiting session of this pregnancy. But thankfully it went away and I've felt mostly good since then.
Best Moment this week: Not vomiting during week 5! I feel like this is cause for celebration since I first threw up last time at 5 wks, 4 days. Maybe I'll bypass it this time. I'm not holding my breath, but it can't hurt to hope a little...
What I am looking forward to: So many things, but in the near future, my first doctor's appointment on June 28th (8 weeks).
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