I was a bit skeptical about the 3D and the dorky glasses (how does watching a 3D movie mix with morning sickness??) but it was actually really cool. The only time I got really nauseous was when we walking into the theater and I immediately smelled someone's nachos with jalapenos. Definitely not what I wanted to be smelling even though I normally love jalapenos.
On Saturday morning, Addison and I cleaned up around the house and played and didn't nap. Jordan worked on his beater truck that he's fixing up and then the three of us headed up to Kerr Scott Lake where Jordan's parents were camping for the weekend. Both of Jordan's sisters and their families also came up for the day to celebrate Father's Day. We went swimming in the lake. Addison was not too keen on this and cried for several minutes when we put her in the water. She had a death grip to me and really didn't like it. Once she got used to it she was okay and sat in her float for a few minutes. I didn't let her stay out very long because I didn't put sunscreen on her since I figured she'd pitch a fit in the water anyway. I hovered over her so she wouldn't be in the direct sunlight and we didn't get burnt.
Here's all the grand kids. L to R, Conner, Addison, Kaylee, Bryson, Keenan, and Ellett.
After swimming we went back to the camp ground and just hung out reading, doing puzzles, following Addison and stopping her from eating rocks every 30 seconds. Addison decided that the little rocks on the ground were so cool and that they were fun to try to eat. It was so hard to keep her happy and not eating rocks! We cooked hamburgers and hot dogs and then roasted marshmallows. We gave Addison a marshmallow that hadn't been roasted to let her gnaw on. This did distract her from the rocks momentarily. She ended up getting it all over her and Jordan and then dissing it for the rocks. It was a fun day but we were pretty exhausted we we got back home.
Sunday we had my parents and sister over after church for lunch. We had salad, marinated grilled chicken, mac and cheese, roasted potatoes, and brownies with walnuts. I was so yummy! I have craved a good salad smothered with tomatoes ever since! It was nice to hang out with my family and watch them love on Addison.
That afternoon we went to our friend(Kirby and Dustin and Brenden)'s house to go swimming. Once again Addison was not loving the water, but she warmed up to it a little bit quicker. She chilled out in a float with a protective sunshade for about an hour and a half. It was so funny to look at her (I wish I had a picture). She confiscated my bottle of water and held it in one hand and played with a toy in the other. She had her sunhat on and was laid back in the float. It was so cute! After swimming we had a cook out and then just hung out by the pool talking and listening to the i-pod until it got dark.
It was a great weekend. I managed to feel pretty good most of the time. I'm hoping for many more low-key, relaxing and nausea-free weekends this summer!
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