Here's a few pictures of a few rooms in our house.
This is our bedroom (with Greg exiting). We'd like to move the glider upstairs and get two chairs facing the TV armourer. Notice the blue ceiling. Took me a little while to get used to, but the room needed some color with the bland walls.

Here's the other end of our bedroom. I love our king size bed!

This is the living room. (We were watching UP! I love, love, love that movie!)

This is the piece of furniture that we've spent the past two months searching for. It was so hard to find something the right size and style to go in the huge hole in the middle of the built in cabinets/bookshelves. I think it matches quite well I think

Here's the mantel. I really need to put some candles on the candle holders. I'll get around to it eventually...

Here's the dinning room. It has a view out to the water and fountain in the front yard. You can see my stripes on the wall really well!
Love them!

The furniture is Jeff and Gena's (Jordan's parents). We sold ours a few months ago and it would have been perfect in the space. Oh well, I think Gena's set is beautiful and works well in there also.

Here's my favorite room in the house. Addison Kate's Room!

craig's list steal!

One of her favorite birthday presents. Isn't it precious?!

Her crib was another
craigs list find! Gotta love it! And her name on the wall I love!!

Tripp wanted to be in a picture too! :)
Those were the only rooms I had decent pictures of. I'll try to get more up later. To see the outside of the house, see
this post (It looks prettier now with all the trees in bloom. I'll get more pictures up soon. Also of the kitchen since it's now green instead of boring brown)
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