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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

3 Months old...

Addison turned 3 months old a few days ago (more like a week ago) on August 17th. She is such a sweet little baby. She smiles a lot and "talks" all the time. I think we are going to have a talker on our hands in a few years/months. My Addie Kate is now about 14.5 lbs!! She is growing soo much and just getting cuter by the hour. She is sitting so good in her bumbo seat and it's not going to be long before she's sitting on her own. She has started really interacting with her toys and people and just grabbing and clutching onto things. She likes to look at herself in the mirror and she'll just coo and smile and do her almost laugh (she's not quite laughing but it's coming very soon). Addison is doing so good with her tummy time. She "swims" and does her little mini push-up. She'll be crawling before I know it. I've started noticing that she looks for me when she hears my voice and I'm not right in front of her face. It's the greatest feeling in the world, knowing that she recognizes me and wants to find me. She knows just how to melt my heart and it's going to be so hard to say no to her when she's older. I can't believe all of the things she has started to do. Where has the time gone!! She's going to be going to Kindergarten in no time!! I wish I could keep her little and sweet forever!! I can't imagine a better baby than Addison!

Mom and I went shopping this weekend for all things baby. Actually it was more for all things that are cute and girly for my little Chunky Monkey. We got her all kinds of clothes in bigger sizes (to accommodate her ever growing little self) off the clearance racks and a little bathing suit (for $2.99, might I add!!) for our beach trip next month. I also couldn't resist getting her 2 little pairs of jeans. They are still a little too big for her, but by the time it gets cooler, she'll be in them. I didn't get a picture of Addison in her bathing suit, but I promise I will take tons of pictures at the beach. We also got her a mirror so she can talk to herself during tummy time or in the car if she's with GranDee (mom got a car mirror so she can keep an eye on her). And for my birthday, my mom bought Addison (Yes, I realize that is how it's going to be from now on and I did ask for them) some Baby Einstein DVDs. I've been wanting to get some educational baby DVDs because Addison likes to watch TV (I know, I feel like an awful parent...). We picked out Baby's first sounds and See and Sign. I think we are going to try the sign language with her and see how it goes. I know nothing about it, so any suggestions or concerns are welcomed! I'll get pictures up soon of my beautiful girl!!


  1. Wow, she is doing all kinds of fun things now! We'll have to get together again soon.

    About the baby sign language, I talked to Danielle, and she said they're about 10 months old before they can start grasping the concepts and learning signs. She said if you try too early, you just end up getting frustrated. I'm sure others have had different experiences, but I thought I'd share what she said since we were just talking about it yesterday.

  2. Oh my, they do grow so fast. Seems like my baby was just 3 months old not too long ago, now he's 3 years old!

    We tried some baby signing with Caden, and he really didn't get it until about a year old. But, we didn't have a video and I don't think we were as repetitive about as we should have been. It's not going to hurt to show it to her now, but just don't get your hopes up too high for a while.

    They sound really cool though. Good luck!!
