Addison, I can't believe you are now 11 months old! In just one short month, you will be turning one year old! Time really has flown by so quickly!
*At the doctor's office last week you weighed 20 lbs 9 ozs! Such a big girl!
* You love to give kisses (When you are in the mood. Sometimes you just shake your head no, no). And by kisses I mean big, slobbery open-mouth kisses, sometimes with your tongue out. It's so cute!*You love to watch other children and interact with them. You are just completely mesmerized with them! You like to try to kiss them and wave at them. Even if it's only a picture of a child! It's so cute!
* You are wearing a size 3 diaper still and are comfortably in a 12-18 month size in clothes.
*You love to talk. I have to take you to the nursery at church most every Sunday, simply because you are too talkative. And when you talk you are loud!! I'm so glad I have to take you out because you're sharing your happy mood with everyone and not because you are mad and screaming! thanks for being such a good little baby!
We love you so much and you bring us so much joy!!
*At the doctor's office last week you weighed 20 lbs 9 ozs! Such a big girl!
* You have 4 teeth now: 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom! You just look so adorable and like such a big girl!
*You love to pull up and cruise around on all pieces of furniture or the walls or pretty much anything you can hold onto.
* You are quite the spunky girl! You are still very happy, but you also want to do things your way. If we take something away from you or if you just get mad at something (especially when you are tired) you throw a mini-hissy fit. You kick your legs and throw your arms around. You'll hit whatever is in your way and cry out all while your little face turns bright red! I can't imagine how the terrible two's are going to go for us, but you still are such a sweet little girl. It doesn't take much to cheer you up!* You are wearing a size 3 diaper still and are comfortably in a 12-18 month size in clothes.
We love you so much and you bring us so much joy!!
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