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Friday, September 11, 2009

Morning Hugs and Enchiladas

Wow, I nearly forgot about my goal of daily blogging. That would have been short lived. I'm sure it will be anyway. Today's been a good day. Jordan and I had both gotten showers this morning and were getting ready when Addison decided that it was time for her to get up. We looked at each other and then raced into her room to see who would get to her first and receive her first great big grin of the day. We got there at the same time and she looked up at us like, "Wow, y'all are such dorks." But then she smiled (I think it was at me but I'm sure Jordan will say it was at him). I just love getting her first thing in the morning when she is still so sleepy and she stretches real big and yawns. She is such a happy baby, pretty much all of the time. I think she's going to be more of a morning person than a night person, because the only time she is really fussy is when she is tired.

Tonight mom and dad and my sister Kyla are coming over for dinner and I am making enchiladas. I have never attempted to make these and I really hope they turn out to be good. If not, I guess we'll go and pull some chicken out of the freezer and grill out. We have a small deep freezer and thanks to our trip to Sam's Club a few weeks ago, it is nearly full of chicken (that and frozen breast milk, which Addison very much enjoys!). Chicken breasts, chicken tenderloins, chicken thighs. We're all set on chicken for a while. And we've been eating a lot of red meat lately because Jordan's parents had a cow butchered recently and we have been enjoying the...um...benefits?

So I have decided that I am sooo thankful that my husband is not into football (or really any sports). He went out to eat with some guy friends of his last night and they were watching the game (I say that like I know what game they were watching...yeah right) and he said he just kind of sat there because they talked sports the whole time. I think it's funny, but after listening to my friends talk about their husbands and all the ESPN packages they need and the obsessions with fantasy football (or baseball or golf or basketball...who knew that there is a fantasy league in everything??), I am sooo glad that Jordan isn't the least bit interested. :)

Oh, and I have to give a shout out to my friend LeeAnn, who is now back in her pre-pregnancy clothes only 3 months postpartum!! Go LeeAnn! You look great!!

Also, I'd like to request that everyone pray for our nation today and take the time to remember our fellow Americans that were killed 8 years ago. I hate to think that after such a short amount of time, people are already forgetting. We need to pay respect to those who are still fighting that battle today. Even my Addison got a little patriotic with her red, white and blue dress (which is ADORABLE!!). Jordan made fun of my blue shirt/white jacket/gray pants/and red shoes, but I think it was very appropriate! I Heart America!

Hope every one has a good weekend. This will be the true test of my daily blogging resolve. We shall see...

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