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Monday, September 14, 2009

Saturday - Cookouts and More Eating


Okay, so since I'm going to talk about my day on Saturday, this will count as my Saturday post right? So that means my daily blogging resolve hasn't gone up in flames?!?! Sure, Jenny, tell yourself whatever makes you feel better...

First of all, the enchiladas on Friday turned out really good. I tweaked the recipe quite a bit and was so happy that they turned out so yummy...and a little spicy. On Saturday my dad's side of the family had a cookout for my Grandmas birthday (which is on Tuesday). So Addison and I headed over to "Frank's Place" (A little house that my aunt and uncle own and have parties at all the time. Apparently the former owner of the house was named Frank.) without Jordan since he had to work. We got there and had yummy hot dogs, hamburgers, chili and all kind of desserts. And my Grandma thoroughly enjoyed it. Addison was having one of those days where if she did sleep/nap any it was for about 30 to 45 minutes before she would wake back up. So was pretty upset when we got back home around 4:30 and she had a bath and then cried for 45 minutes before finally going to sleep in the car.

This was right before I loaded her up to leave. I had just changed her into this adorable little outfit and of course the first thing she did was spit up all over it. oh well, it wasn't a stinky one at least!

We left as soon as Jordan got home from work to go to our friends Chasity and Andy's house for dinner. Chas is my friend from high school where she and I were BFFs! They have a beautiful little girl, Ziza, who will be 2 in November.

Ziza was just a little bit excited to "hold" Addison (more like get squshed by Addison, haha).

These pictures cracks me up because Addison looks like she is about as big as Ziza. Ziza, WHO WILL BE 2 IN NOVEMBER. My 4 month old is nearly as big as her 22 month old friend!! Wow, Such a big girl!!

Ziza Faith is such a cutie pie!!

SHe was being such a little ham. ADORABLE!!

She is soo adorable and loved meeting "Baby Addie". We had a great visit with them and enjoyed chatting about our girls and having babies (Chas is due March 28th with baby #2) and friends and just life in general.

This is as we were changing her into her pajamas. She enjoys her "naked baby" time!! Such cute little rolls!!
Chasity is so cute with her little baby bump, which is just starting to poke out at 12 weeks pregnant. Addison was such a doll baby and did so good while we were there. She sacked out on the way home at about 9:30 and barely woke up when we took her out of her car seat to nurse and go to bed. Such a sweet little sleepy girl!

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