Cline Stick Family
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Jordan and I locked eyes and stared at each other in with shocked grins on our faces. Finally Jordan asked, "Did she just say Dada!?!" I told him that she sure did, clear as day. Then he asked if I thought she knew what she was saying. I told him that as much as I would like to believe that she did, I really don't think she's old enough to know what it meant.
So who ended up taking her to my mom's?
That's right, her Daddy!! She sure knew how to get him to do what she wanted!! He is SO wrapped around her little finger!!
I'm sure that every single person that has crossed paths with my husband today knows that his little girl said "Dada" this morning as her first word. So cute!!
Now I'll have to really work with her to say MAMA!!
Prayers and Praises!
*Jordan's dad, Jeff, was laid off from job he'd been at for 12+ years back in March and has been trying to get another one ever since. Last month he started a new job and is very thankful to have one, but I know he'd like something different, so I've been praying for the right thing to come along for him. He is so deserving and is such a hard worker.
*Jordan's mom, Gena, has been going through a lot of stress for quite some time. She has had knee trouble all summer, has had surgery on it once already, and is now going back to the doctor to see about a full knee replacement. On top of all this, her parents (Jordan's grandparents) who have been in declining health, moving in with Jeff and Gena at the end of the summer. They require lots of constant care and it's hard for Gena to care for them with her knee. Also with the move, Jeff and Gena had to move to their upstairs bedroom so you can imagine the effort it takes Gena to go up and down the steps all day long. Pray for both Gena and her parents health.
*Jordan's uncle, Greg, has cancer and is in the hospital for the umpteenth time since this spring when he was diagnosed. His cancer started in his lungs and now has spread to his bones, brain, everywhere. It's so sad to see him go through this. He's going through chemo and radiation, but he has kept a really positive attitude during it all. Jordan's cousin just died this summer from breast cancer (She was only 40 and left behind two children, who are 6 and 8) so his grandparents are having a really hard time with this. Can you imagine losing your granddaughter, then seeing your son go through such a hard, seemingly hopeless ordeal with cancer? They really need to be lifted up right now.
*Jordan's sister, Lori, is pregnant right now and due on Dec. 3rd. This is her second pregnancy and it has been bad from the get-go. She had morning sickness all during first first trimester, making her feel pretty crappy. Then after about two weeks into her second trimester she developed kidney stones. They would get slightly better, then worse. It was determined that the stones were too big to pass on one side, but they couldn't do the surgery to go in and break up the stones since she was pregnant. So after several other surgeries, hospital stays, a nicked nerve (talk about super painful!!), bacterial infections, heavy contractions and tons of pain meds, the doctors have decided that they will induce her next Thursday (Nov 5th) at 36 weeks. This is great news for Lori that they aren't going to wait until later in her pregnancy to induce, but that means the baby will be pretty small. I don't know if they are going to give her anything to boost the lung development. Then they still will have to wait two weeks to do the surgery to break up the kidney stones. The pain won't end with the birth of the baby. So please pray for Lori to stay as healthy and comfortable as possible until next week. Pray for her delivery to go smoothly and that she will NOT have to have a C-Section. Pray that the baby is healthy. Also pray for her husband, Brent. He has done so great with taking care of her through all of this, but is ready to have Lori back to her healthy self.
*Jordan's oldest sister, Dena, is going through a rough time with her new husband right now. I don't want to go into details, but she needs your prayers, as well as prayers for her three kids.
*My sister, Kyla, is going through a divorce right now (Need I say anymore??). She has low points that come with the realizations of just how different her life is and how much change she is going through. It's really a good thing for her to be free of him, but it's still really tough at times. Just pray for her to be strong and to not lose her faith as she deals with life's challenges. Also pray for my family as we support her through this process.
* Pray for all of my pregnant friends out there. Ashlea (BOY) due March 7th, Chasity (BOY) due March 28th, Kathy due in April (12th, I think), Keli due May 27th, and Holly due May 29th. Pregnancy is difficult, physically and emotionally and I'm praying for the good health of all of these girls and their precious little ones.
*Pray for Jonah and Patrice and Matt. You should really read her blog if you don't already. She is so funny and such an inspiration. Jonah is her little 8 month old son, who has a genetic disease called EB (don't know how to spell the whole name out, but it is almost always refered to as EB). They are making the most out of their situation and loving their little boy and God.
*Praise God that so far this flu season Addison is a healthy little girl with no signs of getting sick. (**and thankfully her Mommy and Daddy aren't sick yet either!**)
*Praise God for good friends and family!!
*I have a lot of other things on my heart, but I would rather keep them between me and God. Nothing too big, but I always have things that I need to pray over. Who doesn't??
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
October 28, 2007
I remember his funeral as a happy and celebratory time knowing he was now home in heaven with no more suffering, but also with lots of sad emotions knowing that he would no longer be there smiling at us. There were tons of tears as we reflected on times spent with him, but also lots of laughter. He was just the best Grandpa and knew just how to make you smile. He loved each and every one of his 5 kids, 11 grandkids, and 14 (at the time, now 17) great-grandkids. His funeral also brought our entire family together. I'm so thankful for being brought up in a Christian family. Although we were all so saddened by his death, we were all able to rejoice in the fact that Grandpa was with the Lord. He died on a Sunday morning and my sister made the comment that he made in home just in time for worship, and what a time of worship that must have been.
I will never forget all of the hundreds of people who crowded into the funeral home to pay their respects to this wonderful man and his huge family. I'm so thankful for all of the support and love we were shown during that time of
And last year on my Grandpa's birthday, September 21st, I discovered that God was adding to the McDaniel clan, when my pregnancy test came out positive. I so wish that Grandpa had been around to meet my beautiful little blessing. He would have loved her big cheeks and cute little smile! And she would have loved staring at his loving blue eyes and great big smile!
I'm just thankful that I was able to spend 21 years in my Grandpa's love and it makes me realize that my Father's love is just that much more perfect!
Thank you, God for giving me such a loving, godly man to be my Grandpa and allowing his love to be a small sample of the tremendous love that you have for me all the time. Thank you for giving me a beautiful baby girl and help me to remember to pass on her Great Paw-Paw's love everyday, and to tell her about her Father's perfect love! In Jesus' name, Amen.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Show and Tell
Also notice the mint green crouchet blanket that my Aunt Sandie made just for little Addison. She used the softest thread and it's one of my favorite blankets. Mom also made a white crouchet blanket, but she uses it st her house for Addison's naps.
Inside the crib is a third crouchet blanket that has an angel in the design that a sweet little lady, Mildred, from my parent's church made for us. Addison sleeps under every night. Before you freak out and turn me over to social services for letting my baby sleep in her crib with a blanket, let me explain. Addison is wrapped tightly in a swaddle blanket every night. Her hands are secured in place and she cannot roll over with the swaddle blanket on. So every night I put her to sleep on her back, wrapped in her swaddle blanket and lay the angel blanket over her. Her room tends to stay cooler than the rest of the upstairs and I hate to think that she is laying there getting cold every night.
Things NOT to do/say to a 5 month old baby and/or her mommy:
10. If you are a complete stranger, please don't offer to hold my baby for me while I eat. It's not going to happen. I don't care if you are Michelle Duggar and have 18 (19) kids of your own, if I don't know you, I'm not going to let you hold her.
9. If you don't know me, please do not call my baby fat. It's rude. Yes, she has big round cheeks and rolls all over her body and is in the 90th percentile for her weight. But she is a baby and is perfectly healthy. There are plenty of acceptable terms to use besides "fat". Chubby, chunky, rolley-polley, fluffy, big, round, healthy. I know this seems stupid, but you wouldn't go up to a complete stranger and call them fat (I hope you wouldn't anyway...) so if you are a stranger to me, don't call my baby fat.
8. Do not argue with me over whether or not my child's car seat will fit in the highchair at any given restaurant. It won't fit. I've tried them at almost every restaurant and it's just bigger than most car seats. It. Will. Not. Fit.
7. Do not use a personal pronoun, such as he or she, his or her, unless you know the sex of my baby. Really, you can't tell that she's a girl from all of the pink she has on and the HUGE bow on the top of her head.
6. Don't judge me for warming my pumped, bagged breast milk under the water in the bathroom of a restaurant. If my child is hungry, I'm going to feed her and at least I'm not pulling my boob out to do so (NOT that there is ANYTHING wrong with that if done discretely.)
5. Don't let your 2 year old come up to my baby and touch her hands and face, especially after they have just coughed all over the place.4. Don't stare at my boobs when asking about whether she is breastfed or not. Yes, she is and yes, they are big. Get over it. Also don't check me out while I'm holding my baby. I'm NOT interested and you are a perv!!
3. Don't watch and do nothing while your 2 year old hits my baby in the head with his toy truck. When she is older and can fend for herself, not a big deal, but right now, not cool!
2. Don't get up in my baby's face and breathe all over her unless you are (1) not sick and (2) her mommy, daddy, grandparent, aunt/uncle, or close friend. And especially don't if you have just finished a cigarette. That's gross and no one appreciates that. Brush your teeth!
1. Do not under any circumstances dip your finger in something (like cake icing) and stick it in my child's mouth! I don't appreciate my child getting a mouth full of pure sugar or a mouth full of whatever germs are on your finger. Also, she could have a family history of food allergies that you don't know about and can't have any of the chosen food that you just gave her. If I wanted her to eat whatever you want to give her, I would have already fed it to her. I don't care how old your baby was when you started giving him or her table food, I have chosen to not start that yet and you should respect that. If you want to feed my baby, ask me what she can have and if you could give it to her. I have the right to determine what goes in her mouth and when. No, I'm not a control freak, but some things are just not appropriate.
Now some things that I'd love for you to do/say:
1. Dote over my baby all you want. I will never be sick of anyone telling me how cute, adorable, darling, beautiful, sweet, etc., etc. my baby is. I share your opinion.
2. Share your baby stories with me. I like to see how all babies are different and develop certain milestones at different stages. But, do NOT turn it into a competition. If your baby came out of the womb walking, then good for him. That just means you had less time to soak up the joys of having a baby that stays where you put her. :) And whether your baby was super quick, super slow or just in the middle for reaching those milestones, it reflects nothing on your performance as a mother (just so you know...). (Apparently I had one more thing for my what NOT to do list and I didn't even know it.)
3. Offer to babysit all you want. I may or may not take you up on the offer (not based on you, but based on my need to be around my child every moment I am not at work), but it's nice to hear that you want to spend time with my baby.
4. Shop for baby clothes to your hearts content! I will never turn down cute little baby clothes (or passed down hand-me-downs) .
5. Love my child. I will always welcome people who love my baby! I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who loves my child! I LOVE that you love my baby, I just ask that you respect what is best for her.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Guess what we tried last night??
Monday, October 19, 2009
Halloween Preview...
Now who can guess what this little cutie will be for Halloween??
Addison is 5 months old!!
We didn't go for a well baby visit this month so I don't have exact weight/height/percentile info. I have been meaning to weigh her all weekend and every time I think about it, she is sleeping, so when I weigh her, I'll update.
5 Month stats:
*So with month five comes one major milestone: Rolling over. I was not the first to see her achieve this milestone. Jordan and my mom saw here first, but I have now seen her do it all the time. Every time I lay her on her belly (unless she is very tired) she just flips right over. so. cute. She is just so proud of herself! I haven't seen her go from her back to her belly, but mom said she saw it. It must be a bit more challenging.
*This girl loves to squeal! And I mean really high-pitch. She knows she's doing it and she just loves it(as do I)!She's been jibber-jabbering for a while and now there are constant little squeals thrown in. a squeal coo, a squeal sigh, a squeal grunt. It's the most adorable little thing. :)
*I think I mentioned this in her 4 month post, but Addison loves to stand up. She likes to bounce and never wants to sit.
*If I can manage to get her sit without demanding to stand, she is almost to the point of sitting unassisted. She is strong enough, but lacks the balance.
*Addison is wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes and is still in a size 2 diaper.
*She has started taking a big interest in her feet. She thinks it is great fun to pull off her socks and hold on to her feet. This makes diaper changing a bit more challenging, but she is so sweet and just grins while she's doing it.
* She is still sleeping through the night and taking great naps during the day.
* I'm almost positive this child is teething. She chews on EVERYTHING she can get in her mouth and is constantly drooling. I got a little mesh food holder thing and put an ice cube in it for her to gnaw on and she really liked it.
I love that little girl so much and absolutely love being her mommy! It is the best thing that has ever happened in my life!
Thank you, God, for allowing me to have this precious child and for loving and blessing us the way that you have. Thank you for taking care of her and letting her thrive here in my care. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
a little trip back in time...
Mom, Kyla, me and Baby Girl Cline (AKA Addison, haha). Almost 3 generations... I love this picture of us. We all cordinate so well with our pinks and greens!
I am 34 weeks pregnant and LeeAnn is 33 weeks pregnant. I think it is so funny to see how differently we carried the babies.
Here's a close up of Salem and Addison. I love it!!
Me in Addison's room. I'll get some better pictures of it on here once I get some stuff on the walls. It's horrible that it still isn't "finished"!!
Bonnie, LeeAnn, and me.This was at LeeAnn's baby shower around the beginning of April. I'm going to say that I was about 32 weeks and LeeAnn was 31 weeks?? I'm not exactly sure. There's a big difference between this picture and the one before, right?
These are some great prints that Kyla made of the ultrasound pictures. I still need to get the framed. I love them!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Mom!
Mom, Thank you so much for always being there for me. Whether I need to ask for advice, complain about life's unfairness, vent about something that's bothering me, or gush about exciting news, you always have a listening ear! Thank you for being such a good GranDee to Addison. She is going to love having you keep her as she gets older. I know that you two already have a strong bond establish and that it will only grow as she does! You have such a giving spirit and I hope that one day I can be as sacrificing with my time and belongings as you are. I love you and hope that you have a wonderful birthday!!
Dixie Classic Fair
So Happy!
Mommy/Daughter pics!We also used our carriers and both the girls liked to look out and see everything. Addison just loves to kick her little feet and take everything in.
We also saw the humongous pumpkins! That one is 1270 something pounds!! (Don't know why Jordan cut my head out of the picture, but whatever... :))
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Beach Trip: take 2
So on Thursday of our trip we went to the Greek Orthodox Church to be converted.
Just kidding! We did go to the Greek Orthodox church to be a part of their Greek Festival. Who doesn't love a great Greek festival? I tend to go to one at least once a year with my mom and sister and Jordan. I've never been to the same one twice. (1st time was at the International Festival at UNCC, 2nd time was in Charlotte, 3rd in Winston-Salem, and 4th at Myrtle Beach) My main purpose in going is to eat all of the yummy food. I love it all!! I love the (WARNING: major misspelling of words about to happen!!) Souvlaki, Chicken Gyros, Spanikopita, Baklava, Grape roll things, and the Tsatsiki sauce. I pretty much like everything Greek! So we walked around with content little Addison riding in the stroller. Mom and Kyla were looking around at all the vendors. It was lots of fun and sooo yummy!!
Next we went and played putt putt, which is my all time favorite beach activity! I LOVE putt putt. I don't know why I like it so much, but I do. I could have gone to play everyday, but I suppressed the urge and we only played once. Addison did really well until we were nearly done playing and she was ready for a nap. But we just took turns holding her and she was okay.
Cute Addie/Daddy picture during putt putt!
This is not the best picture, but it shows Addison's skiing pose! This is what she does when she wants to stand but gets tired. She just squats down and leans forward. She refuses to sit...
Here's my sweetie with her Aunt Kyla. I am so glad that they (mom and Kyla) were able to come down with us.
When we got back to the hotel, Jordan, Kyla and I went out to the beach for a little bit while my mom stayed in the room with my napping Addison. We played with the nerf football and in the waves until we saw sting rays, then went to the pool/hot tub. As we were leaving to come back in, Mom came walking out with Addison in her little swimsuit. So we took some pictures on the beach:
That night Jordan and I went out to eat while mom and Kyla kept my sweet baby girl. (By the way, she did so good with all of her naps and bedtimes, even with us being loud and noisy in such a small place. She really is the best baby ever!!) I don't remember the name of the place we ate but it was really nice and really good. It had very unique dishes. Then we walked around at Broadway at the Beach and ate pumpkin cheesecake ice cream from Ben & Jerry's. That was good!! I was ready to get back to Addison (even though she was Sleeping) the whole time I was gone.
Friday was a laid back day. Kyla and mom left around lunch time and Jordan and I went to the outlets one last time and then went swimming with Addison again. That evening we ate at the restaurant on the pier by our hotel. Addison had been really fussy until we got her in her stroller. We walked over (in the light rain) and ate while listening to live music. Addison just stared up at the lights and got really still until she finally zonked out for the night. We weren't going to go anywhere to eat since she was being fussy. I hate to think that we were going to try to plan based on her temperament. I like to think that we can still do most things and be spontaneous, even with a baby. So it made me happy to see what a little angel she was in the restaurant.
Saturday we hit up a few consignment stores and Baby boutiques. While eating lunch we made the decision to go ahead and pack up and come home. We really weren't sure how long we'd stay since we had the room until Sunday, but I really wanted to have that day home to do laundry and get settled back in. So got everything packed up in 45 minutes and left. We made dinner plans with our friends Chuck and LeeAnn so we came straight to their house and ate. We ending up staying over night there, even though we were a mere 20 minutes from home, but it was raining and late and Addison was sound asleep in Salem's crib, so it was well worth it.
So we ended up have a blast. Jordan and I agreed that the end of September was a perfect time to go to the beach and I think we may even turn it into a tradition.