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Monday, December 21, 2009

Addison is SEVEN months old!

I'm a few days late getting this up, but here it is.

Addison, you are seven months old!! I can't believe how big you are now and many new things you are doing. You are into everything now!

*You weigh about 18 lbs. You are wearing a 2/3 or 3 diaper and 6-9 months size in clothes.

*You have started to reach out for us to pick you up and it melts mine and your daddy's hearts! You love your momma and Daddy so much! Whenever we come into the room, you look around until you've found us and then just grin really big!

*You are such a sweetheart and a social butterfly! You love to watch new people and interact with them by smiling, cooing, or jibber-jabbering to them. I hope you continue to go to new people and be outgoing like Daddy. But if you are shy like Mommy was then it's okay, too.

*You are definitely in full-fledged teething mode. You constantly have something in your mouth and you love to chomp down on things. you get slightly fussy because your little gums are sore, but you are easily soothed.

*You will not sit still. You would be in constant motion if only you could crawl. You put worth a very valiant effort to crawl, but your little body just isn't cooperating with you yet. While you are sitting, you lunge for things (which makes me crazy because it typically knocks you off balance and you end up toppling over, sometimes hitting your little head).

*You like to eat your baby food almost as much as you like to blow bubbles in it and make it splatter everywhere. I think sweet potatoes are your favorite, although you will eat most any of it. Bananas and peas are your least favorite. You'll scrunch up your nose and shake your head with those.

*You nod your head at things with such enthusiasm, it makes us think you know what we are saying. It's the cutest thing to watch you nod your little head.

*You like it when we sing to you and make you dance along. If we stop making you dance, you do it by yourself and wobble around.

*You are the most adorable little thing in the world! Your Daddy and I love you so much more than we could have ever imagined! When I think I couldn't love you any more, I wake up the next day and I do! You are just precious!

Here's a video of you playing with your tongue. So CUTE!!

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