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Thursday, November 19, 2009

6 Month Well Baby Visit

We went to the doctor this morning for Addison's 6 month Well Baby visit. All of the doctors, nurses, receptionists, etc. go crazy over my child! They just ohh and ahh over her and talk about her little chubby cheeks and fat rolls everywhere.

She is always the center of attention where ever we take her. It makes me smile that she can give joy to some many people just by... being. I hope that as she grows older she will always be a joy to be around and will always want to bring peace and happiness to other people. How can I raise my child to understand the importance of a kind word and a smiling face without the unpleasantness of life bringing in its bitterness? I am scared of wanting to shelter her too much. Right now it seems impossible to have such a thing as too much sheltering from the evils of this world, but I know she has to experience them for herself at some point in her life in order to fully appreciate kindness and grace. Wow, being a parent is hard work. I get so overwhelmed thinking about how to raise her in God's word and teach her to love Him. Thankfully I don't have to do it alone.

Okay, back to the doctor's appointment. Didn't mean to rant in this post. Addison is a healthy baby girl, Thank you, GOD! She is in the 75th percentile for her weight (17lbs 4 oz), height (26 3/4 inches) and head circumference (17 inches). I asked the doctor about the little thing that connects your upper gum to your inside upper lip (yes, this is a VERY technically correct post, thank-you-very-much). I had a problem with those on the top, bottom and under my tongue and I've noticed Addison's is...umm..too connected (?) on the top (bottom lip/gum and tongue seem fine). So our pediatrician set us up an appointment to see the ENT in 2 weeks to get it checked on further. It's nothing serious and it's not at all affecting her right now, but I know from experience that it's not fun to get them "clipped" at 16 years old, so I would rather them go ahead and take care of the "problem" before its really is a problem. (I don't think any of this paragraph has made any sense. Sorry, I just don't know how to explain it any better.)

On our way out, we saw Brent and Lori with Ellett. They had another appointment to check his bilirubin levels and his weight gain/loss (hopefully gain). As of yesterday he had gained an ounce back (up to 5lbs 13 oz) and got to go off of the bili-lights. Also, they had his little head scanned this morning and they just called to say that everything looks perfect. He does have a little overlap on his front suture but it will fix itself. Phew, it's nice to finally get some good news. Keep praying for Ellett, though. That boy needs to eat!!

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