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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Baby Party

On Saturday Jordan, Addison and I got to hang out with this little guy:

Ellett was a bit sleepy (he's yawning here, not crying). We went over to Brent and Lori's to take them a pot roast and to hang out with the boys. Ellett was such a little angel. He slept most of the time, but Lori did manage to get him to eat about an ounce of breast milk/formula.

Notice how big his little hands are next to his face. He is so tiny, but his hands and feet are huge!! He's just as adorable as can be!!

Here's Addison playing on the play mat. She has Conner's blanket in this picture, which is a BIG DEAL. Conner has started calling his blanket "the blanket that I love". He is very attached to it and he has done so good with sharing it. When Ellett first came home, he was trembling and Conner thought he was cold, so he went and got his blanket (that he loves) and wrapped it over Ellett. Then on Saturday he let Addison play with it.

He really is a sweet boy and he's going to be a very good and protective big brother. He was "helping" Addison play with the toys on the play mat. So cute! I'm so glad she's got cousins around to play with as she gets older.

Here she is, the Monster Baby. Addison was really eyeballing his paci.

She tried really hard to get it. I thought she was going to smother him. Wow, she is into everything right now!! (and she can't even crawl yet!)

Isn't he just adorable!!

Once again Addison is about to go for the paci. She was just a little bit bigger than Ellett when she was born. Hard to imagine my big girl was that little just six months ago!!

Here's the proud big brother, Conner. He's showing us how old he is. I can't believe how quickly those three years have gone by! He's such a big boy!
I love this little picture!! I had grand plans of taking lots of cute baby pictures but right after I took this one, my camera battery ran out!
Pray for little Ellett to eat!!

1 comment:

  1. BOL!!!! Monster Baby looks like she's sumo wrestling him!!!! hahahhaha
