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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Half a year, already gone by

Six months ago today a beautiful, healthy baby girl was born into this world.Her Father cut her umbilical cord with wide eyes filled with wonder and love. She was placed on her exhausted mother's chest, who was suddenly wide awake and pumped full of adrenaline and emotion from the ordeal she had just been through. After the doctors inspected the baby and repaired the mother, the new family of three was left alone to bask in the love of the moment.
Fast forward six months...
That peaceful, alert tiny newborn has turned into a cute, chubby, dimpled, smiling, always moving baby girl.
Addison is all about some motion. She loves to jump and play in her exersaucer or johnny jump-up. She can sit for long periods of time without toppling over and loves to "talk". She'll smile at just about anyone who talks to her and is a very happy girl almost all of the time. She is very curious and loves to reach for things. She roles over constantly and reaches for EVERYTHING. She will fuss over not getting something that catches her interest or if something is taken away from her. She has quite the little personality blooming.
Her favorites right now include her baby whoosit (toy pictured above), the TV remote, Mommy or Daddy's cell phone and large, full cups of sweet tea (Yes, she grabbed a cup of tea at breakfast the other morning and pulled it over onto herself and her Mommy. Such fun!). She is on the verge of crawling and loves to try to walk while being supported. She loves to watch her puppies play and really, really wants to grab hand-fulls of fur; if only they would get close enough for her to grab them...but they learned their lesson long ago.
Addison weighs 17 lbs, 4 oz, is 26 3/4 inches long and has a head circumfernce of 17 inches (all in the 75th percentile). She is wearing size 2 diapers, on the verge of moving to size 3. Most of her clothes are 6 months or 6 to 9 months, but still with some 3 to 6 months.
Rice cereal, green beans and carrots are all part of her solid food repertoire, as of 6:30 this evening. She is a great eater (Can't imagine where she got that from). She's definitely ready for these solids, but she still loves to nurse, especially at bedtime. Addison is still sleeping from about 8 PM to 7/8 AM.

This little girl is the apple of her Mommy and Daddy's eyes. She has stolen the hearts of so many people in her life. She is loved beyond description and prayed for every day. Her Mommy and Daddy continue to be amazed at how she develops, grows, and learns new things.

Life for this little family of three is wonderful! God is so good!

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