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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Rock Band

On Wednesday of last week, my cousin, Zach, and sister, Kyla, came up to spend a few days with us. Zach is in the Air Force and is stationed at an Army base in Georgia (please don't ask me which one. He's told me numerous times and I don't remember). When he gets long weekends off, he drives up through Charlotte, picks up Kyla, then spends the time here with us. So with Zach and Kyla came Rock Band!! I am normally not one for video games, but I love to play Rock Band! Wednesday and Thursday nights consisted of Zach, Kyla, Jordan and I having lengthy adult conversations about current world events ROCKING OUT until nearly midnight while Addison slept peacefully in her room. It amazes me how she can sleep through all of that noise!!

Then on Friday we had the big Rock Band Party! That just means we added our friends Jessica and Brenden to the mix (Go here and here for pictures, I don't have them up yet). We ate Chinese food and then stayed up until 2 am playing rock band and then just talking and goofing off. It was a lot of fun! I always love to hang out with friends!

Kyla and Zach had to leave on Saturday morning, so that Zach could get back home to sleep a bit before work on Saturday night (He works night shifts). I'm so glad that Zach is semi-close by and can come over every month or so. We never really got to spend much time together growing up since he lived in Reno and I lived here. It's nice to finally get to know him after so many years. Our next rock out session is scheduled for Thanksgiving. Can't wait!!

Oh, and I have to mention this: On Friday Jordan, Zach and Kyla went to Mocksville to pick up dinner while I was putting Addison to bed. They had been gone for a while and I called Jordan's to phone to figure out where they were. His phone started ringing on the kitchen counter, where he left it. So I called Kyla's phone and she answered it and asked if I had just called Jordan.

"Yeah, but he left his phone at home, so I'm calling you."

She got excited then, and said that just moments before, Jordan suddenly started patting around for his phone because he heard it ringing, but he never found it (you know, since it was sitting in the kitchen where he left it). So apparently we are just so connected that he knew I was calling him when he didn't even have his phone on him. WEIRD!!

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