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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pray, pray pray!!

I know I gave you plenty to pray about in my post a few weeks ago, but the Cline's are in great need of your prayers right now.

Sadly, we got the call last night that Jordan's uncle, Greg, passed away last night. It breaks my heart that such a fun-loving, gentle-hearted, wonderful man is no longer with us. It is a relief to know that he is no longer in pain, but it is so sad to think of everyone he left behind. His poor wife, Loretta, works in the hospital where he died, so she will constantly be reminded of those last days when she goes to work every day. Jordan's grandma (Tutti) is so torn up right now (as you can imagine). She lost her granddaughter from breast cancer back in June and now her son just died of lung cancer.

Jordan's mom, Gena, is recuperating from her knee surgery, but slowly. She is the caretaker for her parents and she's not exactly able to do anything for them right now. Jeff (Jordan's dad) is having to solely care for not only her, but her parents as well. He is still new at his job and doesn't really have the time to be able to take off, but has had to with everything that is going on. He will have to take off again to be with his family and for his brother's funeral. He has a lot of stress factors right now and I'm worried about his overall health. Be in prayer over his job/insurance situation as well.

Jordan's sister Lori was supposed to have the Lipotripsy procedure today, but inadvertently took ibuprofen on Sunday, which is not allowed before the surgery. So it has been tentatively rescheduled for Friday. She really needs to get it done and behind her so her body can heal from everything she has had to endure these past few months. Ellett is really needing to eat better. Yesterday he had lost down to 5 lbs 12 oz, and had a bilirubin count of 20, which is critical. They are having to use the bili-lights on him. Today the count had decreased to 14, so that is great, but he'll still need the lights for another day. The doctors are saying that they don't think he's swallowing, but hopefully that will change and he'll do better.

So there is a lot going on that needs to be wrapped in God's almighty, loving hands. Thank you for the prayers I know you will send up on our behalf! We love you!

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