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Friday, November 6, 2009

Hopping and Rolling

Hey Everyone! It's Addison again! I decided I needed to share some of my new tricks with you. This past weekend I learned how to eat my feet and I do it all the time. I practiced up on my eating solid foods. Mommy says she already told you all about those so I won't go there. A really fun thing that I've started doing (mainly to scare mommy) is rolling over both ways. I've been rolling from my belly to my back a lot but I just now figured out how to do the other way too and do it all over the floor! It is so much fun! Now I can move all over the living room floor and not just stay on that tiny blanket mommy lays out for me. I even try to roll onto the hardwood floor. I did it once while Mommy was about to change my diaper (don't worry, we were sitting on the floor, not up high on the changing table) and I really didn't like it. That floor was hard! And COLD on my little tummy!!

So I start out sitting up, which is another really cool thing I learned how to do this weekend, like this.

Then I lean forward and smoosh my face into the bed

and then I just flop on over. It is just so much fun!! I hate to stay still now!!

I also like to sit in my johnny jump-up! It's so much fun. I don't really jump a whole lot, but I definitely like to spin around and move. look at my chunky legs! Mommy tells me just how adorable they are. I don't really care.

I look just like Mommy (in her baby pictures) right here.

Mommy and me.

Mommy, Aunt Kyla and me.

At home with the puppies

Mommy says this is one of her new favorite pictures of me. She also says that she wants to edit it and make it lighter on photo shop, whatever that is. The dogs take a big interest in me in my jumper. I like the dogs pretty well, they somewhat tolerate me. Macy tries to avoid me most of the time ever since I pulled her hair really hard one day. I don't know what the big deal is. But I don't really know what hair is either...
So, lets see, the list of new things I can do is growing. Sitting without support, rolling like a mad woman, eating cereal (and my feet). I'm really just growing up so fast.

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